Mined from South Central Wyoming.
Wyoming officially announced Wyoming Jade (nephrite) as its state gemstone in 1967. Its colors range from white to black but shades of green are most common. Wyoming Jade is considered to be some of the finest nephrite in the world.
Mined from South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Mohs 5.5-6.5
Metaphysical Properties of Jade:
Nephrite is derived from the Latin word, lapis nephriticus, meaning "stone of kidneys." Nephrite is believed to cure kidney stones. The spiritual qualities of jade is peace, balance and strength, while offering physical and emotional well-being.
Found in many locations around the world.
Opalized wood is formed when opaline silica-rich groundwater seeps into buried wood and gradually replaces the organic matter in a process that takes thousands of years. Opaline silica is a very rich mixture of dissolved copper, iron, nickel and manganese. Different mineral impurities and ratios will influence the color. Petrified Wood, without opaline silica, may be composed of chalcedony.
Mohs 5.5-6 Opalized Petrified Wood
Mohs 6.5-7 Chalcedony Petrified Wood
Metaphysical Properties of Opalized Petrified Wood:
Opalized Petrified Wood has a healing and calm energy. It's grounding properties encourages us to relax, find serenity and to enjoy the moment. It helps the powers within ourselves to let go our emotional fears. It is believed to strengthen our skeletal system and cleanse our liver and gallbladder.
Mined from Northwestern Arizona, USA
Famous for its bright sky blue, Kingman Turquoise has become the color standard. Its complex colors may range from pale green, from light blue to dark blue, with its matrix ranging from white, black, reddish-brown or yellow. It may also contain pyrite and occasionally quartz in its matrix.
Mined from Southeastern Arizona, USA (closed)
Highly prized and sought after for its beautiful blue colors and its signature iron pyrite matrix. When polished, iron pyrite, or fools gold, often looks like silver inclusions in the turquoise. Morenci Turquoise is scarce since its mine closing in 1984.
Mined from Southwestern Nevada, USA
Royston Turquoise is known for its beautiful deep green to rich light blue colors. Royston has a matrix ranging from black, brown, to gold in color, creating unique color variations and distinguishing itself from other stones. Royston Turquoise is considered to be very collectible.
Mohs 5-6
Metaphysical Properties of Turquoise:
The Native Americans revered turquoise as the living stone representing the sky, water and earth. Turquoise is endowed with a powerful and purifying energy that aids in the protection, healing and strengthening of the mind and soul. It has anti-inflammatory properties. Turquoise aligns your Throat Chakra to connect to your inner truth and positive communication. It could also amend any respiratory or migraine issues.
December birthstone
Mined from Mexico
The color can range from a light golden color all the way to a rich warm orange amber color.
Mohs 3
Metaphysical Properties of Calcite:
Calcite is a stone that empowers your creative flow, raises your vibration, and helps heal maternal relationships. This stone improves concentration and relaxes the mind. It relieves feelings of stress and fills them with peace. It also fights weariness and sloth and restores drive and confidence to people who are losing faith.